Free Palestine, their lives matters
What is going on in ghaza is just heart wrenching, incredibly painful. They need our donations as soon as possible to survive through the attack of Israeli, ones again on mosque al Aqsa. We want Palestine liberated, their lives matter as other countries’lives. I’m sobbing in pain for those who are badly injured in the attack, praying they heal and i just support the liberation of Palestine from Israelites.
This is absolutely wrong that while we are safely having tours with family and picnics with friends, our Palestinian brothers and sisters are losing their beloved ones, they can’t even afford medical care. Which is really bad for their generations too.
People of all countries should take the stand to seek the freedom for the lives of people of ghaza and send them medical care.
We love this sacred place it is not just a place but very close to our heart, a deep emotion.
It is our first place of worship to God before it was changed to makkah fourteen hundred years ago, safety matters of mosque Al Aqsa a lot to us.
We have lost so many battles many lives have died, parents lost their children and husband and wives and brothers and sisters. All of the people have sacrificed on one of their beloved ones because of the continuous wars. We demand peace.
It is necessarily needed it’s not a month ago we all know that and have acknowledged that. The war is older than 3 years. And not just 3 years, in all this long era of war of Israeli and Palestinians many have lost their homes, some people had to migrate too. Enough is always enough for how long will we be losing our Palestinian brothers and sisters? Their lives matter. Their purposes, their dreams, their goals, their education, their marriages everything matters. If we can laugh and smile in ACs while the sun is too hot, why should only Palestine burn? Burn by attacks? Why should they cry and groan?
We want peace. We want them to see joy. We want them to have a peaceful Dawn and beautiful blue sky day, which has no smokes by bombs.
May Allah help us ameen