Independence is key to success and content creation skills:
People are completely focused on content creation these days, their focus is on what is likable to people so , smartly they can put efforts where it matters much more, not where theopportunity leads them to.
And i actually appreciate that they are somewhat in wonders which is good for Gen Z. And overall. The main thing is that wondering is good until people don’t roam around the world like zombies, they are still trying and mentally taking care of things like they should, keeping focus on responsibilities is still seen while we are in the era where robots are taking all the jobs of human beings, it is a bit scary because for a human being they need something to keep working on, if they will continuously to sit in homes using phone, no work to do, not something to worry about, no reason to visit birds and rest in nature, no chill vibes to sit besides lake, weaken the person’s mentally stable mind, their mind will not be able to understand if incase things turn upside down. But since there are many out here who understand, and children whose families are bringing them in every time, holidays to country sides and old grand mothers and fathers such as dad and moms sode families. To show them where their root belongs is such a wisest act. You don’t need to not give them electric toys, you should just keep a balance, so they too understand both B/W pictures. White: that is the future. The black: which is old, grey even the nature is green but when pictured in black it turned into a greyish colour! A beautiful life demands a beautiful mindset. People creating content on their kids behalf is an amazing act to do but only being consistent with it is a bit suspicious because they need to get to know about birds chirping, so when they grow up they don’t need to be annoyed by the birds chirping, when the mobile phone ringtones are shutdown, the laptops and LCD screens are shutdown by parents. They need to know what the sky and clouds look like as keeping a balance of showing the roof of the house.
Content creation is good for the earnings to pay for any brands and cars and nature is good for their soul earnings, tranquility, happiness, positivity, healthy mindset.
Isn’t it a key to success?
Thank you for your precious time.